20 years

Instructions for Authors

The journal encourages the submission of original unpublished works, not under consideration by other journals. The acceptance of an article implies the not exclusive licence of copyright to the EACES. The author will able to re-publish the work in every format with the only constraint to acknowledge the first publication.
No article submission, processing or other charges apply when authors submit new articles for possible publication.

Note that the manuscript should follow the below indicated style since the first submission. In case of significant unconformity with the below instructions, the paper would not be taken into consideration. The journal will maintain high scientific standards. All submitted papers will therefore undergo a blind refereeing process. A two-stage submission process has been instituted for this purpose. In the first stage the author will be asked to fill a form which contains details of her or his identity, as well as a description of the paper's field. The paper itself, which will be uploaded in the second stage, should not contain any information which may indicate the author's identity.

We will maintain a fast refereeing process that will facilitate a speedy publication process. The copyright of the published papers will remain with their authors, who will be requested always to mention The European Journal of Comparative Economics as the original venue of publication.


The paper submitted should not contain references to the author or her/his institution.


Authors should send their work by the Internet Electronic Form as indicated in the Web site using the Word format or the Rich Text Format (RTF). Other formats will be accepted at the Editors' discretion. The language of the Journal is English. The authors should use the Garamond character for all the paper: 12 for the normal text, 13 for section titles and 18 for paper titles. Each section must be numbered, and in case of different parts composing a section, it is suggested to use more numbers (2.1, 2.2, etc.; 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.). Titles of the paper and of sections should by typed in bold.

References should appear in a separate section at the end of paper in alphabetical order, while items are referred in text by author, date of publication and in case page number (e.g., Britten, 1962, p. 35).


  • Articles in journals:
    Kodaly Z., Bartok B. (2003), 'A Comparative Model of Bargaining', Economics Systems, 26, 53-72
  • Articles in books:
    Henri P. (2002), 'Structural Change During the Post-Communist Transition', in Piazzolla A. and Chavez C. (eds), Transition Economics, Dordrecht, Kluwer
  • Articles not yet published:
    Keita S. (1998), 'Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies', mimeo.
  • Internet publications:
    Reich S. (2003), 'Digital Divide and Development', Wired at <http://www.wired.com/journal/10-10-03/>
  • Books:
    Takemitsu T. (1999), Reconstruction and Development in Japan, London, Routledge


Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and should be written using the character Garamond 10.


Every formula should be already written ready to print, generally numbered by consecutive numbers put in brackets aside, and centred in the page. In case of long proofs, these should be inserted in a specific section, named Appendix, following the References.


Tables and figures should be centred and should be numbered consecutively and labelled on top in Garamond bold 9 with progressive numbers (e.g., Table 1; Figure 1), and their source given at the bottom in Garamond 9 (e.g., Source: OECD data) below.

Borders and page layout

The page format is A4 (21×29,7 cm); right and left margins: 3,5 cm; top and bottom margins: 3 cm; single line spacing

In case of problems please write an e-mail to secretariat.ejce@liuc.it

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EJCE, 2018-    : Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 7/18 del 13.07.2018; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA
EJCE, 2004-2017: Supplemento a LIUC Papers, Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 11/93 del 11.06.1993; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA