20 years


The European Journal of Comparative Economics (EJCE) was launched in 2004 a by the LIUC University upon a project of Giovanni B. Ramello, at that time Faculty member of the LIUC University Law School, and with the technical advice of Piero Cavaleri, the LIUC Library Director, with the cooperation European Association of Comparative Economic Studies” (EACES; Additional information on EACES is provided on the Association’s site http://www.eaces.eu/ and in its electronic Newsletters) and more precisely with the seminal collaboration of Vittorio Valli, Università di Torino and Michael Keren, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The team Cavaleri, Keren, Ramello and Valli has managed the journal for almost a decade -- this adventure has been described in the following article: 

Cavaleri, P., Keren, M., Ramello G.B. & Valli, V. (2009) "Publishing an E-Journal on a Shoe String: Is It a Sustainable Project?", Economic Analysis and Policy,  39(1), 89-102 freely avaialable here

Since the EJCE has been published as a refereed Journal, fully Open Access, that is to say by providing free of charge to authors and readers a valuable scholarly publication, thanks to the participation of a number of well known scholars as editors, board members, reviewers and authors specialized in the different fields of comparative economic studies.

Today EJCE thanks to a renewed participation of distinguished scholars from all around the words goes on in making available to an international audience schlarly research in the broad field of comparative economics.

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EJCE, 2018-    : Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 7/18 del 13.07.2018; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA
EJCE, 2004-2017: Supplemento a LIUC Papers, Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 11/93 del 11.06.1993; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA