20 years

EJCE Year: 2015, June. Volume: 12 - Issue: 1

Migration, remittances and educational levels of household members left behind: Evidence from rural Morocco

by Jamal Bouoiyour ; Amal Miftah

Start page: 21 - End page: 40

Keywords: international migration; education; remittances; Morocco.

Jel code: F24; I22; O15; O55

DOI: 10.25428/1824-2979/201501-21-40


In this paper, we empirically investigate the relationship between international migration and education attainment levels. We ask whether rural children who live in households that experience migration or/and receiving remittances are more likely to complete school at a given age than children who live in non-migrant households. Higher secondary and higher education levels are examined separately. Our results clearly show that children in remittance-receiving households complete significantly more years of schooling. In particular, remittances increase the probability of a male child completing high school. However, the evidence suggests that the international migration lowers deeply the chances of children completing higher education. Evidence also indicates the utmost importance of households' socio-economic status in determining to what extent the household mitigates the possible detrimental effects of migration on their children's educational outcomes.

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