20 years

Lumir Abdixhiku
- Business tax evasion in transition economies: a cross-country panel investigation

Ilyes Abid
- On the Time Varying Relationship between Oil Price and G7 Equity index: a Multivariate Approach
- Oil price shocks, equity markets, and contagion effect in OECD countries

Bassam M. Abu-Abbas
- Financial leverage and firm performance: evidence from Amman stock exchange

Sanjaya Acharya
- Measuring and Analyzing Poverty

Nicola Acocella
- Unemployment and inflation in the European Monetary Union: A new approach?

Philippe Adair
- Informal employment in the Kabylia region (Algeria): labour force segmentation, mobility and earnings

Stéphane Adjemian
- How do Labor Market Institutions affect the Link between Growth and Unemployment: the case of the European countries

Gagik G. Aghajanyan
- Core inflation in a small transition country: choice of optimal measures

Robin Aguiar-Hicks
- Central Banking without Romance

Joachim Ahrens
- Institutional Change and Economic Transition: Market-Enhancing Governance, Chinese-Style

Luigi Aldieri
- Education and Fertility: A comparative Micro-econometric Analysis in Europe

Michele Alessandrini
- The trade specialization of SANE: Evidence from manufacturing industries

Fatima A. Algazo
- Financial leverage and firm performance: evidence from Amman stock exchange

Bernardina Algieri
- Price and Income Elasticities of Russian Exports
- Human Capital in Russia

Turki Alhmoud
- Financial leverage and firm performance: evidence from Amman stock exchange

Humoud AlMutairi
- Private capital inflow and growth in former Soviet-bloc countries: roles of stock market and demand-side macroeconomic policy

Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari
- The impact of exchange rate, oil price and gold price on the Kuwaiti stock market: a wavelet analysis

Basheer Altarturi
- The impact of exchange rate, oil price and gold price on the Kuwaiti stock market: a wavelet analysis

Carlo Altavilla
- European Economic Policies at Work : the costs of Price Stability and Budget Consolidation

Alessia Amighini
- China in the international fragmentation of production: Evidence from the ICT industry

Wladimir Andreff
- Outward Foreign Direct Investment from BRIC countries: Comparing strategies of Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese multinational companies
- Emerging countries' multinational companies investing in developed countries: at odds with the HOS paradigm?
- Some comparative economics of the organization of sports: competition and regulation in north American vs. European professional team sports leagues
- Would a Second Transition Stage Prolong the Initial Period of Post-socialist Economic Transformation into Market Capitalism?

Mihail Arandarenko
- Regional Labour Market Differences in Serbia: Assessment and Policy Recommendations

Cengiz Arikan
- The asymmetric impact of real exchange rate on tourism demand

Prince Piva Asaloko
- Empirical verification of the link between the digital divide and women's economic participation in Africa

Simplice A. Asongu
- Information for banking efficiency in Africa: evidence from income levels and legal origins
- Fighting African Capital Flight: Empirics on Benchmarking Policy Harmonization
- Rational Asymmetric Development, Piketty and Poverty in Africa
- Taxation, foreign aid and political governance in Africa

Thorsten Auer
- Inter- and intragenerational differences in corrupt behavior: the development of morals after German reunification

Christine M. Aumayr
- European Region Types in EU-25

Goodness C. Aye
- The out-of-sample forecasting performance of non-linear models of real exchange rate behaviour: The case of the South African Rand

Omar Babou
- Informal employment in the Kabylia region (Algeria): labour force segmentation, mobility and earnings

El-hadj Bah
- Labor Markets in the Transition Economies: An Overview

Chemen S. J. Bajalan
- Measurement and Analysis of Child Well-Being in Middle and High Income Countries

Giovanni Balcet
- Emerging countries' multinational companies investing in developed countries: at odds with the HOS paradigm?

Mehmet Balcilar
- The out-of-sample forecasting performance of non-linear models of real exchange rate behaviour: The case of the South African Rand

Biswajit Banerjee
- The Role of Firm Size and Firm Age in Employment Growth: Evidence for Slovenia, 1996-2013

Diana Barros
- The technology balance of payments and international competitiveness: a panel data analysis of southern European countries, 2000-2017

Will Bartlett
- Interdependence between core and peripheries of the European economy: secular stagnation and growth in the Western Balkans

Thushyanthan Baskaran
- Political fragmentation, fiscal policy and economic growth in Indian States

Sudip Ranjan Basu
- Comparing China and India: Is the dividend of economic reforms polarized?

Michael Enowbi Batuo
- The trade specialization of SANE: Evidence from manufacturing industries

Riza Bayrak
- The Determinants of Youth Unemployment: A Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries

Ralf Bebenroth
- The Financial Crisis in Japan: Causes and Policy Reactions by the Bank of Japan

Elisabeth Beckmann
- Oil Price Shock and Structural Changes in CMEA Trade: Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters?

Andreas Behr
- Properties of the Histogram Location Approach and the Extent and Change of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the EU

Fateh Belaid
- Investigating the factors shaping residential energy consumption patterns in France: evidence form quantile regression

Fateh Belaďd
- Carbon emissions, income inequality and environmental degradation: the case of Mediterranean countries

Ansgar Belke
- Greece and the Troika – Lessons from International Best Practice Cases of Successful Price (and Wage) Adjustment

Gerwin Bell
- Why Did Southeastern European Countries Experience Low Inflation Rates in the Beginning of This Century?

Youghourta Bellache
- Informal employment in the Kabylia region (Algeria): labour force segmentation, mobility and earnings

Filippo Belloc
- Knowledge Enclosures, Forced Specializations and Investment Crisis

Ikrame Ben Slimane
- Volatility spillover and hedging effectiveness among crude oil and Islamic markets: evidence from the Gulf region

Adel Ben Youssef
- Investigating the factors shaping residential energy consumption patterns in France: evidence form quantile regression

François Benhmad
- Wind power feed-in impact on electricity prices in Germany 2009-2013

Isabelle Bensidoun
- The integration of China and India into the world economy: a comparison

Binyamin Berdugo
- How Do Firing Costs Affect Innovation and Growth when Workers' Ability is Unknown? Employment Protection as a Burden on a Firm's Screening Process

Timo Berg
- Inter- and intragenerational differences in corrupt behavior: the development of morals after German reunification

Volodymyr Bilotkach
- A Tax Evasion - Bribery Game: Experimental Evidence from Ukraine

Gopuran Devassy Bino Paul
- Concentration in Knowledge Output: A case of Economics Journals

Martin Boddy
- Explaining Spatial Variation in Business Performance in Great Britain

Bettina Bökemeier
- Fiscal Sustainability: Does EU Membership Change Policy Behavior? Empirical Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe

Andrea Boltho
- Did China follow the East Asian development model?
- Export-led growth or growth-led exports? Western Europe in the "golden age"

Raphael Boroumand
- Financial instability and oil price fluctuations: evidence from oil exporting developing countries

Raphaël Homayoun Boroumand
- Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France: a datamining approach

Adél Bosch
- The out-of-sample forecasting performance of non-linear models of real exchange rate behaviour: The case of the South African Rand

Sabri Boubaker
- Carbon emissions, income inequality and environmental degradation: the case of Mediterranean countries

Jamal Bouoiyour
- Are UK industries resilient in dealing with uncertainty? The case of Brexit
- Brexit and CDS spillovers across UK and Europe
- Migration, remittances and educational levels of household members left behind: Evidence from rural Morocco
- The financial costs of terrorism: evidence from Germany

Ivy Lynn Bourgeault
- A Comparison of the Regulation of Health Professional Boundaries across OECD Countries

Josef C. Brada
- Labor Markets in the Transition Economies: An Overview
- The New Comparative Economics versus the Old: Less Is More but Is It Enough?

Mariem Brahim
- Foreign direct investments in Europe: are the East-West differences still so noticeable?

Vincent Brémond
- The Oil Price and Exchange Rate Relationship Revisited: A time-varying VAR parameter approach

Zuzana Brixiova
- On The Road to Euro: How Synchronized Is Estonia with the Euro zone?

Giorgio Brosio
- Short-term exit from pandemic restrictions: did European countries' speed converge?

Fabien Candau
- International Trade in Outermost Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Mayotte Island and French Overseas Departments

Cristina Cattaneo
- The Determinants of Actual Migration and the Role of Wages and Unemployment in Albania: an Empirical Analysis

Laetitia Challe
- Ageism and the business cycle: an exploratory approach

Sheila A. Chapman
- Specialization and Agglomeration Patterns in Eastern Europe

Camille Chaserant
- The regulation of quality in the market for legal services: Taking the heterogeneity of legal services seriously

Bernard Chavance
- Formal and Informal Institutional Change : the Experience of Postsocialist Transformation

Li-Ju Chen
- Do Gender Quotas Influence Women's Representation and Policies?

Alberto Chilosi
- Poverty, Population, Inequality, and Development: the Historical Perspective
- Stakeholder Protection, Varieties of Capitalism, and Long-Term Unemployment
- The European Union and its Neighbours: Everything but Institutions?

Nathalie Chusseau
- Educational Systems, Intergenerational Mobility and Social Segmentation

Joăo Afonso Coelho
- The European fiscal framework: Counterfactual Analysis to its compliance in the hypothetical scenario without the Covid-19 pandemic

Enrico Colombatto
- When is ordinary law-making tolerated?
- Book review: Nils Karlson, Statecraft and liberal reforms in advanced democracies

Bruno Contini
- Youth employment in Europe: do institutions and social capital explain better than mainstream economics?

Virginie Coudert
- Assessing the Sustainability of Credit Growth: The case of Central and Eastern European Countries

Anna Creti
- Oil price shocks, equity markets, and contagion effect in OECD countries

Péter Csizmadia
- Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary

Eleonora Cutrini
- The role of Italian FDI in Southeast Europe's international integration. A focus on investors from the Marche region

Pál Czeglédi
- Are both dimensions of property rights 'efficient'?

Daniel Daianu
- Inflation Targeting, Between Rhetoric and Reality. The Case of Transition Economies
- Policy Diversity as an Engine of Development

Bruno Dallago
- Financial and real crisis in the Eurozone and vulnerable economies
- Comparative Economic Systems and the New Comparative Economics

Mirella Damiani
- Labour Protection and Productivity in EU Economies: 1995-2005
- Labour market inequalities and the role of institutions

Tu Dang
- Vulnerability to Poverty in select Central Asian Countries

Luca De Benedictis
- Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the 'enlarged' European Union

Sergio de Nardis
- The Euro's Effects on Trade in a Dynamic Setting

Ad de Roo
- Informing Water Policies with a Residential Water Demand Function: The Case of Serbia

Roberta De Santis
- Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the 'enlarged' European Union
- The Euro's Effects on Trade in a Dynamic Setting

Pompeo Della Posta
- Fiscal austerity and monetary easing: which one is to be praised for ending the euro area crisis?

Marie Derville
- Institutional insights into contract theories: a comparative approach to the French and German dairy industries under liberalization

Thi Thanh Binh Dinh
- FDI inflows and trade imbalances: evidence from developing Asia

Jean-Paul Domin
- How much should professional markets be regulated? An introduction

Sean Dougherty
- Comparing China and India: an Introduction
- Growth Prospects in China and India Compared

Sean M. Dougherty
- Could Mexico become the new 'China'? Policy drivers of competitiveness and productivity

António Portugal Duarte
- The European fiscal framework: Counterfactual Analysis to its compliance in the hypothetical scenario without the Covid-19 pandemic

Sébastien Dupuch
- Foreign direct investments in Europe: are the East-West differences still so noticeable?

Balázs Égert
- Balassa-Samuelson Meets South Eastern Europe, the CIS and Turkey: A Close Encounter of the Third Kind?

Jalal El Ouardighi
- Convergence and Inequality of income: the case of Western Balkan countries

Andrea Elekes
- How to overcome the crisis of the European growth potential? The role of the government

Khaled ElMawazini
- Private capital inflow and growth in former Soviet-bloc countries: roles of stock market and demand-side macroeconomic policy

Adem Y. Elveren
- Pay Inequality in Turkey in the Neo-Liberal Era, 1980-2001

Octavio R. Escobar
- Could Mexico become the new 'China'? Policy drivers of competitiveness and productivity
- Energy policy of fossil fuel-producing countries: does global energy transition matter?

Saul Estrin
- Book Review of: "Serbia's Transition: Towards a Better Future", Milica Uvalic

Abdeljelil Farhat
- Untangling the causal relationship between tax burden distribution and economic growth in 23 OECD countries: Fresh evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality

Mario Ferrero
- Book Review of: "Transition and Beyond. Essays in Honor of Mario Nuti", Saul Estrin, Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Milica Uvalic (Editors)

Jarko Fidrmuc
- Oil Price Shock and Structural Changes in CMEA Trade: Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters?

Andrea Fink-Kessler
- Institutional insights into contract theories: a comparative approach to the French and German dairy industries under liberalization

Zied Fiti
- On the Time Varying Relationship between Oil Price and G7 Equity index: a Multivariate Approach
- Oil price shocks, equity markets, and contagion effect in OECD countries

Fayrouz Fliou
- Navigating the nexus of COVID-19 vaccination strategies: insights beyond the needle

Maxence Follot
- The impact of populism on central bank communication: Analyzing theoretical developments and the case of Hungary

Javier Franconneti
- United States of America, European economy and inequality: A perspective from the economic history, 1910-2010

Brahim Gaies
- Financial instability and oil price fluctuations: evidence from oil exporting developing countries

James K. Galbraith
- Pay Inequality in Turkey in the Neo-Liberal Era, 1980-2001
- The Experience of Rising Inequality in Russia and China during the Transition
- Pay Inequality in Europe 1995-2000: Convergence Between Countries and Stability Inside

Kolev Galina
- The European Integration and its International Dimension: An Introduction

Enrique Garcilazo
- Pay Inequality in Europe 1995-2000: Convergence Between Countries and Stability Inside

Gioacchino Garofoli
- Alternative Economic Policies in Europe: An Introduction
- Virtuous and Vicious Circles: Lessons for Current European Policies from Italian Post-War Development

Nuno Garoupa
- The boulevard of broken dreams? Long-run effects of labor-managed socialism

Guillaume Gaulier
- The rise of emerging economies in the EU15 trade

Edward R. Gemayel
- How Tight is Too Tight? A Look at Welfare Implications of Distortionary Policies in Uzbekistan

Andrea Ginzburg
- Out of the Crisis. A radical change of strategy for the Eurozone

Claire Giordano
- Is corruption efficiency-enhancing? A case study of the Central and Eastern European region

Sčna Kimm Gnangnon
- Export Upgrading in Donor and Recipient Countries and Bilateral Development Aid Allocation
- Services diversification and economic growth

Blaise Gnimassoun
- Determinants of corruption: can we put all countries in the same basket?

Ismet Gocer
- Revisiting the quantity theory of money in Euro Area: the case of Greece

Stéphane Goutte
- Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France: a datamining approach
- Special issue: Impact of the liberalization and capitalization of energy market: a way for emerging countries

Mara Grasseni
- Domestic Multinationals and Foreign-Owned Firms in Italy: Evidence from Quantile Regression

Aleksandra Gregoric
- Managerial ownership and corporate performance in Slovenian post-privatisation period

Michel Grignon
- A Comparison of the Regulation of Health Professional Boundaries across OECD Countries

Francesco Grigoli
- The Impact of Trade Integration on Business Cycle Synchronization for Mercosur Countries

David A. Grigorian
- How Tight is Too Tight? A Look at Welfare Implications of Distortionary Policies in Uzbekistan

Daniel Gros
- Greece and the Troika – Lessons from International Best Practice Cases of Successful Price (and Wage) Adjustment

Khaled Guesmi
- Further evidence on the determinants of regional stock market integration in Latin America
- Oil price shocks, equity markets, and contagion effect in OECD countries
- On the Time Varying Relationship between Oil Price and G7 Equity index: a Multivariate Approach
- Financial instability and oil price fluctuations: evidence from oil exporting developing countries

Rangan Gupta
- The out-of-sample forecasting performance of non-linear models of real exchange rate behaviour: The case of the South African Rand

Emmanuel Hache
- The Oil Price and Exchange Rate Relationship Revisited: A time-varying VAR parameter approach

Sharon Hadad
- How Do Firing Costs Affect Innovation and Growth when Workers' Ability is Unknown? Employment Protection as a Burden on a Firm's Screening Process

Péter Halmai
- Real convergence in the new Member States of the European Union (Shorter and longer term prospects)
- How to overcome the crisis of the European growth potential? The role of the government

Haykel Hamdi
- Volatility spillover and hedging effectiveness among crude oil and Islamic markets: evidence from the Gulf region

Sophie Harnay
- The regulation of quality in the market for legal services: Taking the heterogeneity of legal services seriously

Christopher A. Hartwell
- Employment Protection Legislation and Labor Markets in Transition: Assessing the Effects of the Labor Code in Armenia

Iraj Hashi
- Business tax evasion in transition economies: a cross-country panel investigation

Stefan Hedlund
- Professor Gerschenkron goes to Brussels. Russian Catch-up Economics and the Common European Space

Frank Hefner
- A Random Walk to Economic Freedom?

Joël Hellier
- Educational Systems, Intergenerational Mobility and Social Segmentation

Richard Herd
- Growth Prospects in China and India Compared

Almas Heshmati
- Measurement and Analysis of Child Well-Being in Middle and High Income Countries
- Alternative Composite Lisbon Development Strategy Indices: A Comparison of EU, USA, Japan and Korea

Heinrich Hockmann
- Russia's transition process in the light of a rising economy: Economic trajectories in Russia's industry and agriculture

Christin Hoffmann
- Inter- and intragenerational differences in corrupt behavior: the development of morals after German reunification

Thomas L. Hogan
- Central Banking without Romance

Stuart Holland
- Alternative Economic Policies in Europe: An Introduction
- Flexible Labour, Flexible Production and Innovation-by-Agreement: International Comparisons Contesting the Lindbeck-Snower Insider-Outsider Thesis and 'Structural Reforms' in the European Union

Jens Hölscher
- Labour market inequalities and the role of institutions

Peter Huber
- Regional Labour Market Developments in Transition: A Survey of the Empirical Literature
- Book review on: "The European Labour Market Regional Dimensions", Floro Ernesto Caroleo and Sergio Destefanis (editors)

Pavlo Iavorskyi
- Health consequences of the war in Eastern Ukraine: comparing 2015-16 to 2012-13

Miklós Illéssy
- Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary

Alessandro Innocenti
- Outsourcing and Information Management.

Aliya Zhakanova Isiksal
- Effects of the domestic and ECB interest rates on Türkiye's stock market: Empirical evidence from a newly developed combined co-integration and causality analysis

Ichiro Iwasaki
- Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary

Manca Jesenko
- The Role of Firm Size and Firm Age in Employment Growth: Evidence for Slovenia, 1996-2013

Raghbendra Jha
- Vulnerability to Poverty in select Central Asian Countries

Uwe Jirjahn
- Gender, Worker Representation and the Profitability of Firms in Germany
- Single Motherhood in East and West Germany: What Can Explain the Differences?

Hrvoje Jošic
- There is still life in factor proportions model: an evidence from the selected OECD countries

Jean-Michel Josselin
- Grant legislation vs. political factors as determinants of soft budget spending behaviors. Comparison between Italian and French regions

David Joulfaian
- Bribes and Business Tax Evasion

Milena Jovicic
- Regional Labour Market Differences in Serbia: Assessment and Policy Recommendations

Hervé Kaffo Fotio
- Anthropogenic CO2 emission and climate change in the Congo basin countries

Rajwane Kafrouni
- Carbon emissions, income inequality and environmental degradation: the case of Mediterranean countries

Athanasios Kalogeresis
- From spectator to walk-on to actor: An exploratory study of the internationalisation of Greek firms since 1989

Judit Kapás
- The interaction of individual values and sticky formal institutions in economic development

Tatiana Karabchuk
- Temporary employment in Russia: why mostly men?

Ikboljon Kasimov
- The dark side of landlockedness: Examining the determinants of foreign direct investment flows in transition economies

Michael Keren
- China and India - a Note on the Influence of Hierarchy vs. Polyarchy on Economic Growth

Natalya Ketenci
- Capital mobility in the panel GMM framework: Evidence from EU members

Dennis W. K. Khong
- Book review: Intellectual Property as Property Rights: Lessons from "Property Rights Dynamics" edited by Donatella Porrini and Giovanni Ramello

Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- On recessive and expansionary impact of financial development: empirical evidence

Aleksandra Kordonska
- World vs virus: the global economic impact of COVID-19

Nezir Kose
- The asymmetric impact of real exchange rate on tourism demand

Dorgyles C.M. Kouakou
- Separating innovation short-run and long-run technical efficiencies: Evidence from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Mitja Kovac
- The boulevard of broken dreams? Long-run effects of labor-managed socialism

David Krisek
- Asymmetry effects of government expenditure on education and impacts on economic growth

Ludmila Krytynskaia
- The Experience of Rising Inequality in Russia and China during the Transition

Daniel Kuehn
- Human capital in the twenty first century

Jekaterina Kuliomina
- Does election of an additional female councilor increase women's candidacy in the future?

Evis Kumi
- Does insurance market impact the economic growth? Evidence from Albania

Sandrine Labory
- Outsourcing and Information Management.

Lois Labrianidis
- From spectator to walk-on to actor: An exploratory study of the internationalisation of Greek firms since 1989

Christine Lagoutte
- Pension Systems after the Storm: France and the United Kingdom in a Comparative Analysis

François Langot
- How do Labor Market Institutions affect the Link between Growth and Unemployment: the case of the European countries
- Explaining labor wedge trends: An equilibrium search approach

Denis Lanzanova
- Informing Water Policies with a Residential Water Demand Function: The Case of Serbia

Ion Lapteacru
- Assessing lending market concentration in Bulgaria: the application of a new measure of concentration

Marc T. Law
- From Certification To Licensure: Evidence From Registered And Practical Nurses In The United States, 1950-1970

Elisabetta Lazzaro
- Auctioneers vs. commissaires-priseurs: The carnival mirror of profession regulation in the international art market

Svetlana Ledyaeva
- Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Russian Regions

Kang-Soek Lee
- Should the UK Join the Euro Zone? Evidence from a Synthetic OCA Assessment

Michele Lemme
- Constitutional Constraints on Public Debt in the Ecological Transition Era

Françoise Lemoine
- The integration of China and India into the world economy: a comparison
- The rise of emerging economies in the EU15 trade

Imre Lengyel
- Reindustrialization patterns in the post-socialist EU members: a comparative study between 2000 and 2017

Alexander Libman
- Government-Business Relations and Catching Up Reforms in the CIS

Mikael Linden
- Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Russian Regions

Jonas Ljungberg
- Economic integration and exchange rate arrangements in the post-soviet period. The Baltic states in comparative perspective

Paloma Lopez-Garcia
- Is corruption efficiency-enhancing? A case study of the Central and Eastern European region

Laura Lopez-Gomez
- On the relationship between income and control of corruption in the Eurozone

Laurian Lungu
- Inflation Targeting, Between Rhetoric and Reality. The Case of Transition Economies

Anna Maffioletti
- Happiness, life satisfaction, well-being: survey design and response analysis

Nathalie Magne
- Wage inequality in workers’ cooperatives and conventional firms

Agata Maida
- Happiness, life satisfaction, well-being: survey design and response analysis

Jihed Majdoub
- Volatility spillover and hedging effectiveness among crude oil and Islamic markets: evidence from the Gulf region

Csaba Makó
- Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary

Carles Manera
- United States of America, European economy and inequality: A perspective from the economic history, 1910-2010

Walid Mansour
- Volatility spillover and hedging effectiveness among crude oil and Islamic markets: evidence from the Gulf region

Ugo Marani
- European Economic Policies at Work : the costs of Price Stability and Budget Consolidation

Alain Marciano
- A review of Enrico Colombatto, "Markets, Morals and Policy-Making. A new defence of free-market economics"
- How much should professional markets be regulated? An introduction

Enrico Marelli
- Comparing European Regions
- China and India: Openness, Trade and Effects on Economic Growth
- Specialisation and Convergence in European Regions

Nicolae Marinescu
- Real convergence in the CEECs, Euro Area accession and the Role of Romania

Mindy S. Marks
- From Certification To Licensure: Evidence From Registered And Practical Nurses In The United States, 1950-1970

Michela Martinoia
- European Integration, Labour Market Dynamics and Migration Flows

Donato Masciandaro
- Monetary policy and banking supervision: still at arm's length? A comparative analysis

Joseph Keneck Massil
- Determinants of corruption: can we put all countries in the same basket?

Anastasios Mastroyiannis
- Current Account Dynamics and the Feldstein and Horioka Puzzle: the Case of Greece

Alessia Matano
- Is There Rent Sharing in Italy? Evidence from Employer-Employee Data

Roman Matkovskyy
- A comparison of pre- and post-crisis efficiency of OECD countries: evidence from a model with temporal heterogeneity in time and unobservable individual effect

Hareesh Mavoori
- Globalization, regulation and profitability of banks: a comparative analysis of Europe, United States, India and China

Ermelinda Meksi
- Income and structural convergence of Western Balkans to European Union

Philipp Mengeringhaus
- Institutional Change and Economic Transition: Market-Enhancing Governance, Chinese-Style

Amal Miftah
- Migration, remittances and educational levels of household members left behind: Evidence from rural Morocco

William Miles
- Scottish home prices: compatible with Euro membership?

Miodrag B. Milovanovic
- Informing Water Policies with a Residential Water Demand Function: The Case of Serbia

Aghassi Mkrtchyan
- Impact of regulated price adjustments on price variability in a very low inflation transition economy: Case of Armenia

Armenuhi Mkrtchyan
- The evolution of competition in banking in a transition economy: an application of the Panzar-Rosse model to Armenia

Meriem Bel Haj Mohamed
- Untangling the causal relationship between tax burden distribution and economic growth in 23 OECD countries: Fresh evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality

Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti
- The Regulation of Residential Tenancy Markets in Post-War Western Europe: An Economic Analysis

Margaret H. Morgan
- On The Road to Euro: How Synchronized Is Estonia with the Euro zone?

Patrizio Morganti
- Indebtedness and growth in the EMU before the Covid-19 pandemic shock

Nathalie Moureau
- Auctioneers vs. commissaires-priseurs: The carnival mirror of profession regulation in the international art market

Latifah Munassar
- The impact of exchange rate, oil price and gold price on the Kuwaiti stock market: a wavelet analysis

Itchoko M.M. Mwa Ndjokou
- Empirical verification of the link between the digital divide and women's economic participation in Africa

Zoltan Nadoban
- A snapshot of the EU’s capitalist diversity between the two recent major economic crises

Benedek Nagy
- Reindustrialization patterns in the post-socialist EU members: a comparative study between 2000 and 2017

Paolo Naticchioni
- Is There Rent Sharing in Italy? Evidence from Employer-Employee Data

Helen Tammela Naughton
- Globalization and Emissions in Europe

Ferran Navinés
- United States of America, European economy and inequality: A perspective from the economic history, 1910-2010

Ulises Neri
- Energy policy of fossil fuel-producing countries: does global energy transition matter?

Oksana Nezhyvenko
- Informal employment in the Kabylia region (Algeria): labour force segmentation, mobility and earnings

J. F. Landry Ngono
- Does empowerment through corruption reduce gender inequalities? The case of women in sub-Saharan Africa

Christian-Lambert Nguena
- On recessive and expansionary impact of financial development: empirical evidence
- On a comparative analysis of the impact of democracy on regulatory reform

Duc Khuong Nguyen
- Symposium Editorial: Recent issues in the analysis of energy prices
- Further evidence on the determinants of regional stock market integration in Latin America

Daphne Nicolistas
- The impact of regulations and institutions on competitiveness and productivity: the case of Greece

Jean-François Nivet
- Corporate and public governances in transition: the limits of property rights and the significance of legal institutions

Hilaire Nkengfack
- Anthropogenic CO2 emission and climate change in the Congo basin countries

Jacinta C. Nwachukwu
- Rational Asymmetric Development, Piketty and Poverty in Africa

Ulrich Oberndorfer
- Book Review: Economic Policy Coordination in the Euro Area by Armin Steinbach

Maksym Obrizan
- Health consequences of the war in Eastern Ukraine: comparing 2015-16 to 2012-13

Nicholas M. Odhiambo
- Information for banking efficiency in Africa: evidence from income levels and legal origins
- Taxation, foreign aid and political governance in Africa

Cathal O’Donoghue
- Shaping Earnings Mobility: Policy and Institutional Factors

JongEun Oh
- Alternative Composite Lisbon Development Strategy Indices: A Comparison of EU, USA, Japan and Korea

Teresa Carla Oliveira
- Flexible Labour, Flexible Production and Innovation-by-Agreement: International Comparisons Contesting the Lindbeck-Snower Insider-Outsider Thesis and 'Structural Reforms' in the European Union

Nessrine Omrani
- Investigating the factors shaping residential energy consumption patterns in France: evidence form quantile regression

Ayse Ongan
- Revisiting the quantity theory of money in Euro Area: the case of Greece

Serdar Ongan
- Revisiting the quantity theory of money in Euro Area: the case of Greece

Shigeki Ono
- Oil Price Shocks and Stock Markets in BRICs

Gulgun Bayaz Ozturk
- Supply and Demand Factors in Understanding the Educational Earnings Differentials: West Germany and the United States

Fabio Padovano
- Grant legislation vs. political factors as determinants of soft budget spending behaviors. Comparison between Italian and French regions

Ugo Pagano
- Knowledge Enclosures, Forced Specializations and Investment Crisis

Mario Pagliero
- Occupational Regulation in the European Legal Market

Martin Paldam
- Safe havens in Europe: Switzerland and the ten dwarfs

Elliott Parker
- Remittance patterns in Eastern Europe and the World

Paolo Pasimeni
- An Optimum Currency Crisis

Silvia Pasqua
- Wives' work and income distribution in European countries

Francesco Pastore
- School-to-Work Transitions in Mongolia

Ila Patnaik
- The difficulties of the Chinese and Indian exchange rate regimes

Elisabeth Paulet
- Globalization, regulation and profitability of banks: a comparative analysis of Europe, United States, India and China

Cristina Peicuti
- The Great Depression and the Great Recession: A Comparative Analysis of their Analogies

Riccardo Pelosi
- Short-term exit from pandemic restrictions: did European countries' speed converge?

Thomas Péran
- Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France: a datamining approach

Jacques Percebois
- Wind power feed-in impact on electricity prices in Germany 2009-2013

Cristiano Perugini
- Employment Performance and Convergence in the European Countries and Regions
- Labour Market Performance Differentials and Dynamics in EU-15 Countries and Regions

F. Martiale Petga
- Does empowerment through corruption reduce gender inequalities? The case of women in sub-Saharan Africa

Niels J. Philipsen
- Regulation of Pharmacists: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis

Martin Piotrowski
- Remittance patterns in Eastern Europe and the World

Anthony Plumridge
- Explaining Spatial Variation in Business Performance in Great Britain

Richard Pomfret
- Constructing Market-based Economies in Central Asia: A Natural Experiment?

Fabrizio Pompei
- Labour market inequalities and the role of institutions
- Labour Protection and Productivity in EU Economies: 1995-2005

Thomas Porcher
- Financial instability and oil price fluctuations: evidence from oil exporting developing countries
- Worker mobility and the purchase of low CO2 emission vehicles in France: a datamining approach

Cyril Pouvelle
- Assessing the Sustainability of Credit Growth: The case of Central and Eastern European Countries

Ivana Prica
- Interdependence between core and peripheries of the European economy: secular stagnation and growth in the Western Balkans

Mariusz Prochniak
- EU membership and economic growth: empirical evidence for the CEE countries

Frederic L. Pryor
- Determinants of the size of the nonprofit sector

Geoff Pugh
- Business tax evasion in transition economies: a cross-country panel investigation

Mari Carmen Puigcerver-Peńalver
- The Impact of Structural Funds Policy on European Regions' Growth : A Theoretical and Empirical Approach

Coralia Quintero-Rojas
- Explaining labor wedge trends: An equilibrium search approach
- Book review of: "The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement: A New Regional Geography of Europe?"
- How do Labor Market Institutions affect the Link between Growth and Unemployment: the case of the European countries

Asma Raies
- Firm entry and aggregate efficiency growth: An optimal dynamic - Program of entry and RD investment

Monica Raileanu Szeles
- Real convergence in the CEECs, Euro Area accession and the Role of Romania

Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
- Concentration in Knowledge Output: A case of Economics Journals

Ryszard Rapacki
- EU membership and economic growth: empirical evidence for the CEE countries

Tovonony Razafindrabe
- The Oil Price and Exchange Rate Relationship Revisited: A time-varying VAR parameter approach

Arslan Razmi
- Unilateral currency union with a high-income area: the case of Montenegro

Anne Reimat
- Pension Systems after the Storm: France and the United Kingdom in a Comparative Analysis

Serge Rey
- International Trade in Outermost Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Mayotte Island and French Overseas Departments

Arnaud Reynaud
- Informing Water Policies with a Residential Water Demand Function: The Case of Serbia

Marie-José Rinaldi-Larribe
- Is economic convergence in New Member States sufficient for an adoption of the Euro?

Yvon Rocaboy
- Grant legislation vs. political factors as determinants of soft budget spending behaviors. Comparison between Italian and French regions

Steven Rosefielde
- Russia: An Abnormal Country

Amrita Roy
- Structural change and labour productivity trend in the non-agricultural sector: a study of Asia

Sami Saafi
- Untangling the causal relationship between tax burden distribution and economic growth in 23 OECD countries: Fresh evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality

Donatella Saccone
- Structural Change and Economic Development in China and India
- Structural Change, Globalization and Economic Growth in China and India

Buerhan Saiti
- The impact of exchange rate, oil price and gold price on the Kuwaiti stock market: a wavelet analysis

Gazi Salah Uddin
- On the Time Varying Relationship between Oil Price and G7 Equity index: a Multivariate Approach

Ahmed Samour
- Effects of the domestic and ECB interest rates on Türkiye's stock market: Empirical evidence from a newly developed combined co-integration and causality analysis

Philippe Saucier
- Should the UK Join the Euro Zone? Evidence from a Synthetic OCA Assessment

Hayot Berk Saydaliev
- The dark side of landlockedness: Examining the determinants of foreign direct investment flows in transition economies

Francesco Scacciati
- Happiness, life satisfaction, well-being: survey design and response analysis

Hans-Bernd Schäfer
- The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe, Save Banks Not States

F. M. Scherer
- A Perplexed Economist Confronts 'too Big to Fail'

Thomas R. Scholz
- Improving the measurement of economic freedom by replacing government size with government effectiveness

Refk Selmi
- The financial costs of terrorism: evidence from Germany
- Are UK industries resilient in dealing with uncertainty? The case of Brexit
- Brexit and CDS spillovers across UK and Europe

Lucie Severova
- Asymmetry effects of government expenditure on education and impacts on economic growth

Benoît Sévi
- Symposium Editorial: Recent issues in the analysis of energy prices

Ajay Shah
- The difficulties of the Chinese and Indian exchange rate regimes

Mohammed Zakaullah Shariff
- Private capital inflow and growth in former Soviet-bloc countries: roles of stock market and demand-side macroeconomic policy

Gentiana Sharku
- Does insurance market impact the economic growth? Evidence from Albania

Khrystyna Shparik
- World vs virus: the global economic impact of COVID-19

Marcello Signorelli
- Employment Performance and Convergence in the European Countries and Regions
- China and India: Openness, Trade and Effects on Economic Growth
- Labour Market Performance Differentials and Dynamics in EU-15 Countries and Regions
- Comparing European Regions

Stephan Silvestre
- Energy policy of fossil fuel-producing countries: does global energy transition matter?

Annamaria Simonazzi
- Out of the Crisis. A radical change of strategy for the Eurozone

Marko Simoneti
- Managerial ownership and corporate performance in Slovenian post-privatisation period

Daniel J. Smith
- Central Banking without Romance

Kenneth Smith
- Determinants of Soviet Household Income

Denisa Maria Sologon
- Shaping Earnings Mobility: Policy and Institutional Factors

Rabija Somun-Kapetanovic
- Convergence and Inequality of income: the case of Western Balkan countries

Francesca Spigarelli
- The role of Italian FDI in Southeast Europe's international integration. A focus on investors from the Marche region

Maresa Sprietsma
- Regional school choice and school selectivity: how do they relate to student performance? Evidence from PISA 2003

Rok Spruk
- The boulevard of broken dreams? Long-run effects of labor-managed socialism
- Regional convergence and trade liberalization under weak state capacity: evidence from Mexico

Karsten Staehr
- Reforms and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Complementarity, Sequencing and Speed

Francois Stofberg
- The out-of-sample forecasting performance of non-linear models of real exchange rate behaviour: The case of the South African Rand

Cornelia Struewing
- Single Motherhood in East and West Germany: What Can Explain the Differences?

Sasidharan Subash
- Concentration in Knowledge Output: A case of Economics Journals

Adil H. Suliman
- Private capital inflow and growth in former Soviet-bloc countries: roles of stock market and demand-side macroeconomic policy

Roman Svoboda
- Asymmetry effects of government expenditure on education and impacts on economic growth

Miklós Szanyi
- Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary

Massimo Tamberi
- Specialization and Growth Perspectives in the South Mediterranean Area

Roberto Tamborini
- The new fiscal rules for the EMU. Threats from heterogeneity and interdependence

Larysa Tamilina
- Heterogeneity in Institutional Effects on Economic Growth: Theory and Empirical Evidence

Natalya Tamilina
- Heterogeneity in Institutional Effects on Economic Growth: Theory and Empirical Evidence

Halim Tatli
- The Determinants of Youth Unemployment: A Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries

Arno Tausch
- Measurement and Analysis of Child Well-Being in Middle and High Income Countries

Aurora A.C. Teixeira
- The technology balance of payments and international competitiveness: a panel data analysis of southern European countries, 2000-2017

Frédéric Teulon
- Further evidence on the determinants of regional stock market integration in Latin America

Edward Timmons
- Occupational Regulation in the European Legal Market

Thi Anh-Dao Tran
- FDI inflows and trade imbalances: evidence from developing Asia

Pasquale Tridico
- Institutional Change and Governance Indexes in Transition Economies: the case of Poland

Ivan D. Trofimov
- Secular decline in profit rates: time series analysis of a classical hypothesis

Turgut Türsoy
- Effects of the domestic and ECB interest rates on Türkiye's stock market: Empirical evidence from a newly developed combined co-integration and causality analysis

Beáta Udvari
- Reindustrialization patterns in the post-socialist EU members: a comparative study between 2000 and 2017

Robert Ullmann
- Comparing Direct and Indirect Taxation: The Influence of Framing on Tax Compliance

Deniz Ünal
- The rise of emerging economies in the EU15 trade
- The integration of China and India into the world economy: a comparison

Yogesh Uppal
- Political fragmentation, fiscal policy and economic growth in Indian States

Milica Uvalic
- Trade in Southeast Europe : recent trends and some policy implications

Vittorio Valli
- Comparing China and India: an Introduction
- Structural Change, Globalization and Economic Growth in China and India
- Structural Change and Economic Development in China and India
- European economic policies, stock-flow relations and the great double crisis
- Book review on: "Germany's Economic Performance. From Unification to Euroization", Jens Holscher, Editor
- Book Review of: "Global Sustainability: Social and Environmental Conditions", Simone Borghesi and Alessandro Vercelli
- Book Review of: "Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030 AD. Essays on Macro-Economic History", Angus Maddison
- A great fresco on political economy and the world economy: Book review of Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- In memoriam: Angus Maddison's Mission to Understand the World and its History through Numbers

Calin Valsan
- 2007: A Canadian Corporate Ownership Survey

Viktória Vásáry
- Real convergence in the new Member States of the European Union (Shorter and longer term prospects)

Aleksandar Vasilev
- Business Cycle Accounting: Bulgaria after the introduction of the currency board arrangement (1999-2014)

Paolo Verme
- Pro-poor Growth during Exceptional Growth. Evidence from a Transition Economy

Kamila Vesela
- Asymmetry effects of government expenditure on education and impacts on economic growth

Claudio Vicarelli
- Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the 'enlarged' European Union
- The Euro's Effects on Trade in a Dynamic Setting

Valérie Vierstraete
- Efficiency in human Development: a Data Envelopment Analysis Efficiency in human Development: a Data Envelopment Analysis

Concetto Paolo Vinci
- Education and Fertility: A comparative Micro-econometric Analysis in Europe

Peter Voigt
- Russia's transition process in the light of a rising economy: Economic trajectories in Russia's industry and agriculture

Uwe Vollmer
- The Financial Crisis in Japan: Causes and Policy Reactions by the Bank of Japan

Wadjamsse B. Djezou
- The Democracy and Economic Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Cote d'Ivoire

Hans-Jürgen Wagener
- Why Europe? On comparative long-term growth
- Good Governance, Welfare, and Transformation

Helmut Wagner
- Structural Change and Mid-Income Trap - Under which conditions can China succeed in moving towards higher income status?

Qifei Wang
- The Experience of Rising Inequality in Russia and China during the Transition

Christoph Watrin
- Comparing Direct and Indirect Taxation: The Influence of Framing on Tax Compliance

Don J. Webber
- Explaining Spatial Variation in Business Performance in Great Britain

Maria Weber
- Did China follow the East Asian development model?

Lu Wencong
- The dark side of landlockedness: Examining the determinants of foreign direct investment flows in transition economies

Mark David Witte
- A Random Walk to Economic Freedom?

Andreas Wörgötter
- On The Road to Euro: How Synchronized Is Estonia with the Euro zone?

Ermelinda Xhaja (Gjika)
- Income and structural convergence of Western Balkans to European Union

Yeliz Yalcin
- The asymmetric impact of real exchange rate on tourism demand

Hiroyuki Yamada
- Why Did Southeastern European Countries Experience Low Inflation Rates in the Beginning of This Century?

Hakan Yilmazkuday
- Twin Crises in Turkey: A Comparison of Currency Crisis Models

James Arthur Yunker
- Growth Propensities under Capitalism and Profit-Oriented Market Socialism

Roberto Zanola
- Short-term exit from pandemic restrictions: did European countries' speed converge?

Goetz Zeddies
- Skill Content of Intra-European Trade Flows

Berislav Žmuk
- There is still life in factor proportions model: an evidence from the selected OECD countries

Hakob Zoryan
- The Measurement of Co-Circulation of Currencies and Dollarization in the Republic of Armenia

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