20 years

Policy and Ethics

EJCE is a peer-reviewed, providing since 2004 its contents free of charge to the readers. It released two issues, one is schedule in Summer, the second in Winter.

The Journal encourages the submission of original unpublished works, not under consideration by other journals. In addition the submitted papers must represent an original piece of research. Publication malpractice and plagiarism are considered by EJCE editorial board serious offences and will be subject to a number of measures. Among other the failure failing to include proper quotations or to give the appropriate citations of distinct authors’ will cause the automatic rejection of the submitted papers and no subsequent submission will be accepted by the journal. For the most serious offences, a note containining details will be made available on the journal website. In case of late discovery the article can undergo to retraction. All the submitted papers are checked with an antiplagiarism software.

The journal will maintain high scientific standards. All submitted papers therefore undergo a blind refereeing process. Its referees are scholars specialized in the different fields of comparative economic studies. They are equally committed to meet an ethical standard in their behaviour. This requires to referees to avoid acceptance in case of competing interests with the authors or the papers and to be fully free of making their judgement in a serious and independent way.

The European Journal of Comparative Economics (EJCE) is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.

Articles and any other part of EJCE are published under Creative Commons "Attribution-NoDerivs. CC BY-ND" license Attribution-NoDerivs. CC BY-ND.

In case of problems please write an e-mail to secretariat.ejce@liuc.it

Publisher perpetually authorizes participants in the LOCKSS system to archive and restore EJCE articles through the LOCKSS System for the benefit of all LOCKSS System participants. EJCE is registered as OAI-PMH data provider. OAI - Records check.
EJCE, 2018-    : Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 7/18 del 13.07.2018; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA
EJCE, 2004-2017: Supplemento a LIUC Papers, Registro stampa Trib. Busto Arsizio n. 11/93 del 11.06.1993; Direttore responsabile: Laura Ballestra, Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC c.so Matteotti 22 20153 Castellanza VA